Register your elf now !

Elves Day in the Toy Shop
 24 December 2012
10:30 – 15:00

Get your last minute shopping done while the kids have fun making and wrapping their own presents!  Flurry the Snowman will be sharing some essential English holiday vocabulary and kids will take home a sack of original presents to offer to their friends and family.

Winter Craft Atelier
2-4 January 2013
10:30 – 15:00

Join us again in the toy shop to get a creative and "English" start to the New Year  :-)  English speaking empire penguins, hedgehogs and little red birds will share their winter craft secrets and make learning or practicing English fun!

How to register?

Enrol via the form on the get in touch page.  Please include «Elves in the Toy Shop» in the “subject” space and your child’s name and age in the “message” space.

How much does it cost?

The cost of the Elves Day in the Toy Shop is 45 EUR and the Winter Craft Atelier is 125 EUR.  The two activities can be combined at a reduced price of 150 EURPrices include lessons, insurance, and all craft/gift making materials.   Kids should bring along a packed lunch and snacks.  A 10% reduction is offered for the registration of a sibling.

The bank transfer should be made to account number BE06 3631 0318 6822.  Please include the name of your child and the atelier in the communication section of the transfer.  The registration is confirmed upon receipt of payment.


  A question?  Please don’t hesitate to get in touch via this website or contact Tracy on 0478- 830 829

Art of English Atelier for Women

Enrol now for the free Art of English Atelier for  Women  taking place at the Maison des Femmes in Schaerbeek. Lessons start from 9 November more

Monster Mash Halloween Atelier

Are you a ghost, goblin, witch or other scary creature between the ages of 6 and 10? Do you want to increase your power to mix potions and cast spells in the language of famous monsters like Frankenstein and Dracula?

The All Saints half-term (29 October – 2 November) is coming soon and there is still time to enrol in the  MONSTER MASH English Atelier ! Read more…

Monster Mash 
Halloween Atelier
29 0ctober – 2 November 2012

Want magic potions, chills and thrills and the power to cast spells in the language of famous monsters like Dracula and Frankenstein ?
The « Monster Mash Halloween Atelier» is for goblins, ghosts, witches, and other scary creatures between the ages of 6 and 10 who would like to have fun learning or practicing their English. Learn more... 

Art & English 
Atelier for Kids
Wednesday afternoons
At Fourmidable
In the “Art & English for Kids Atelier” you will make animals out of your socks, build an exploding volcano, become an origami expert with your English grammar work sheets, and more...  Learn more....

English at school

Initiation à la langue  anglaise par des activités créatives et ludique. Le but sera de donner aux enfants le goût de la langue à travers des activités artistique tel que le bricolage (fabrication de marionnettes, bijoux, masques,...) et le théatre (mise en scéne de mini pièces de théatres d'après les livres de Dr. Suess et P.D. Eastman).

Ils pourront ainsi assimiler du vocabulaire et des expressions de base tout en s'amusant.

Atelier for Kids

See more creations on our Facebook page !
Art & English 
Atelier for Kids

Feathers, paint, sparkles and English! Create puppets with wooden spoons, make animals out of socks, build an exploding volcano…. Every week your child will discover a new artistic project designed to encourage creativity and strengthen English language skills.


The atelier is for children between the ages 6–10 who would like to have fun learning or practicing English. The language skills of participating children will vary and lessons will be adapted accordingly.


Wednesday afternoons from 14:00 to 15:30. Dates : January: 9, 16, 23, & 30  February: 6, 20, & 27 March: 6, 13, & 20

Where ?

How much does it cost?

The cost of the atelier is 125 EUR for ten lessons. Lessons last an hour and a half and all craft materials are included.  

How to enrol?

Enrol via the form on the get in touch page. Please include « Art & English for Kids » in the “subject” space and the name of your child, and any questions you may have in the message box.


A question? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch via this website or contact Tracy on 0478- 830 829

Monster Mash

Monster Mash 
Halloween Atelier
29 0ctobre – 2 November 2012

Highlights of the Monster Mash Atelier will include the production of a mini-video based on the classic Halloween song the « Monster Mash », and the creation of costumes and sets worthy of a Hollywood horror film.  

At the end of the atelier, friends and family will be invited to enjoy a glass of toad blood, nibble a few cat eyes and discover our many grisly creations. 


For goblins, ghosts, witches, and other creatures between the ages of 6 and 10 who would like to have fun learning or practicing their English.


From Monday 29 October - Friday 2 November 2012 from 10:00 to 16:30. Please note that 1 November is a public holiday and the atelier will not take place on this day.

Where ?

Le magasin des jouets différents
Avenue Felix Marchal 31-35
1030 Bruxelles

How to enrol  ?

Enrol via the form on the get in touch page.  Please include « Monster Mash » in the “subject” space and the name and age of your child as well as any questions you may have in the “message” space.

How much does it cost?

The cost of the atelier is 150  EUR.  The bank transfer should be made to account number BE06 3631 0318 6822.  Please include the name of your child and « Monster Mash Atelier » in the communication section of the transfer.  The enrolment is confirmed upon receipt of payment. Please note that in case of non-participation the sum will not be reimbursed.


A question?  Please don’t hesitate to get in touch via this website or contact Tracy on 0478- 830 829